Laser Lipo: Inch Loss
When the laser paddles are placed on the skin, the cold red laser beams penetrate the skin just deep enough to reach the layers of fat. When the light hits the fat cells, a rapid chain of events takes place. Firstly, pores form on the cells causing them to spill out. The water, Glycerol and fatty acids move into the interstitial space beneath the fatty layer in the skin. Then further water, fatty acids and Glycerol spill out. The adipocyte cells are therefore reduced in size.
![How it works](../image/How%20it%20works%20web.jpg) |
These effects do not affect the neighbouring structures such as the skin, blood vessels or nerves.
The lymphatic system then removes the fat through the venous system, where they are processed in the same way as fatty foods that are digested.
For clients with darker skin ( Fitzpatrick scale 3 - 6) we recommend 8 to 10 laser bars. This will remove the possibility of hypopigmentation as the laser exposure time is only 10 minutes.
Stretch marks: (Striae distensae)
Before explaining how stretch marks can be reduced, it is important to establish the causes of these unsightly marks and to explain exactly what these marks are.
Stretch marks are caused by a tearing of the dermis, or inner layer of skin. This tearing usually is associated with rapid weight gain, such as occurs in pregnancy, but hormones also influence the formation of stretch marks. This means stretch marks may occur during puberty or even healthy muscle-building. Stretch marks can show up anywhere on the body, but most commonly found on breast tissue, stomach and upper thighs. New stretch marks appear reddish in colour, while older stretch marks fade to a silvery hue.
Laser therapy for stretch marks works by stimulating the production of collagen in the skin. This promotes elasticity and makes the skin under the stretch marks thicker. Laser therapy also causes the fibroblasts or connective tissues cells in the skin to divide. This in turn reduces the appearance of stretch marks but despite improving the visual look of the marks does not remove them altogether.
Multiple laser applicators are used to achieve the best results.
Eye bags: (Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty)
As you grow older, the chances of developing bags under your eyes increases. There are a number of factors that can cause eye bags to form. First, the fat around your eyes can place excessive pressure on the skin, ligaments, and muscles around your eyes, causing them to become loose. The extra fat then gets behind your eyelid's support wall, causing them to appear baggy. Baggy eyes can also occur when the skin becomes too relaxed, which results in too much skin in the area. In other cases, the eyelid's muscles become thickened. For some people, puffy eyelids can interfere with vision.
In addition, your skin becomes thinner and less elastic as your grow older. It is also a condition that can be hereditary. The bags under your eyes make you look older and create a perpetually tired look. With laser, non invasive cosmetic treatments, however, your face can look younger and more alert.
The treatment of eye bags involves the use of two different laser heads. The first laser acts a similar way as Laser Lipo and inch-loss. This reduces the levels of fat in the area and tightens the skin. The fat cells are not damaged but simply emptied of the water, glycerol and fatty acids.
The second laser is used to penetrate deeper into the skin and is used to address the hypopigmentations (Melasmas, Cholasmas and dark circles). The laser stimulates the body’s natural defence system, which in turn triggers mast cells to visit the area. These will also induce collagen remodelling and some elastin fiber remodelling, which can help the skin look more normal.
Cravings, lack of willpower and irritability are the three major obstacles to overcome when stopping smoking and are quite often the main reasons for starting again.
As well as stimulating the acupuncture points relevant to addressing addiction, laser therapy has been proved to independently elevate endorphin levels (as nicotine does).
Together these effects reduce or eliminate the physical cravings usually experienced, presenting a reduced challenge for the smoker’s willpower, better mood, and a fighting chance of quitting for good.
Treatment sessions involve the smoker attending a clinic / salon or surgery probably 4 times over a couple of weeks for approximately 30 minutes. The clinician will hold the probe against the addiction related acupuncture points, most of which are located in the ear and hand areas. Laser therapy for smoking cessation should ideally be administered within a broader support framework including counselling. This ensures that the social and psychological factors are addressed enabling the smoker to take best advantage of the craving-free opportunity which laser therapy can provide.
Laser therapy has a 12 year international track record with consistently high success rates for smoking cessation. Clinics regularly report figures of around 70-80% for initial smoking cessation with sustained levels a year on at around 40-50% of the original group.
The latest controlled medical research supports this with the 4 session programme resulting in 79% initial quit rate of which 51% were smoke free 6 months later. These figures compare favourably with alternative smoking cessation treatments (Nicotine replacement therapy NRT reports a success rate of 17%).
You must however want to be a non-smoker prior to under taking the laser treatment for it to succeed.